Flowers, Flowers, Flowers

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It is not secret that my spring, summer, and fall are all about flowers. I seem to come up with new ways to enjoy the flowers, growing them to just plain enjoying them as they blossom and spill out over the edge of the container.

was once my wife’s herb garden container. Since she did not desire to continue with it I thought I would repurpose it. I think I did ok?
strawberries in a standard house rain gutter attached to our fence and bingo. We are enjoying the June Bearing Strawberries now and look forward to the Ever Bearing the rest of the summer.

20 specialty cans planted with various flowers that can cascade out of the planter have been fun to have hanging on the fence and on deck posts as well. They do require frequent watering but have been so pretty. Looks like a could use a new chair soon.

These two repurposed hose reels and an added cedar planter box to make it look like a covered wagon has been part of my annual look for quite some time. I always enjoy seeing what each years planting will bring.