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September 10, 2011

The Bicycle

The Bicycle














Kathleen, here

This poem is dedicated to moms and dads

who lost a son or daughter on a terrible day

in our history. After seeing an interview of

a group of mothers who all lost a son that day,

I mourned with them and this poem

began to gather in my mind.

May God bless them

The Bicycle

What is the best gift for a boy

Or maybe a young man?


A cherished red bike that will

Take him over miles of land.


We bought him that gift

Our hearts bursting with pride.


We watched that bike

Take our boy over a long joyous ride.


He rode to school;

He rode to his job.


On weekends he rode hard;

His bike taking him over that far knob.


Our boy grew up

Then he moved faraway.


We waved good bye and

Whispered “God Speed.” as we prayed.


His new job was high-up.

He was proud and prepared.


His bike stayed safe

Behind the garage door it stared.


Our boy’s bike waits;

I polish away the dust.


I am thankful it will never know

A tear would create rust.


Our boy, you see

Left us that day.


We watched on the news

We were far far away.


A long journey we then took

We searched with the Finest.


We left our boy there,

God knows he is at rest.


When we returned home

I went straight to our boy’s bike.


I cried and I cried

My tears anointing his Last Rite.


Our boy’s pride and his joy

Will always stay there.


In a corner in the garage

A bike waits for a boy so fair.


You see, on a day long ago

A day dark, full of evil.


Two buildings reached high, then

The whole world heard them tremble.


They fell-

One, then the other.


We watched in horror

Heard screams from son’s mothers.


Our boy, in that horrible moment

I know cried for God’s grace and His love.


One day, only God knows when

I will watch His Son come from above.


All mothers will cry with cheers of gladness

When sons and daughters they will see.


And I will find a shiny red bike

On it, our boy peddling towards his dad and me.


Copyright Kathleen M. Brosius

September 11, 2011

September 05, 2011

A Fantastic Summer

The Fabulous Four


















     We have had a beautiful summer with our Washington Brosius Families and Friends this Summer in Washington.  Our two month Volunteer Hosting of Anderson State Park was OK but we were bummed by not having decent cell phone coverage or internet access.  I suppose it was good for us not to be on the computer much but it meant not being able to keep up with our blog and we know one or two of you missed not hearing from us on a regular basis. 

     We have ended our stay out in the North West with a great Labor Day Week-end of camping, surrounded with all the fun that goes with a nice long get together.  We all enjoyed the evening chats around the fire as the weather was made to order.

     We will be leaving in the morning with the "Tininthewind" pointed East and even though we do not prefer traveling the interstate system, we will, in the interest of taking the shortest route and in saving on the fuel budget.

     We are looking forward to seeing friends and family back in the Wisconsin/Iowa area and spending a few weeks before heading to our Winter digs in Texas.






















































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