Afternoon Drive
Above is a picture of our site at the Thousand Trails Monroe, Washington which is outside the big city of Seattle but tucked against the western slope of the Cascade Mountains. We have been in this area a couple of weeks now and for the most part we have had a lot of rain which has kept us pretty much cooped up.
With cabin fever and itchy feet getting the best of us we took off to do something we always enjoy. We simply jump in the car with no real destination in mind but rather just pick a direction, and then drive till we decide we are good and lost. Once we decide we probably should return to the 'tininthewind' we ask 'Charlotte' (our GPS) to guide us to home. We hope at this time that we have made so many turns that 'she' (Charlotte) will take us home using different roads.
The scenery one is privileged to behold sometimes takes your breath away and today was no exception. When we can we try to stop and take a photo. Sometimes we simply have to shoot through the windshield and sometimes traffic is such that we can't get a photo----but, oh well, it is for sure etched in our memory.
Below is just a sample of todays outing. Place your cursor over the photo for a description.
Washington is referred to as the "Emerald Green State" and if you can put up with all the rain you will be rewarded eventually with the most beautiful scenery imaginable. This is truly a gorgeous part of our country-----"you just have to wait for it to quit raining to see it".