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The Start of the New Hip Journey

Hospital Recovery House















     In the picture above you can see our 'toad' sitting in the driveway of a mighty fine house.  This house is being furnished to us by the hospital since we have come from such a long way (South Dakota) to have this hip surgery.  We will be allowed to stay here until Oct. 4th, 10 days, and then will have to fend for ourselves.  Not to worry as we feel the 'tininthewind', (our Motor Home) will be so lonely for us by then anyway.  I know after just a few hours in this beautiful house we both are already lonely for it.

     This house is very nice with everything anyone could want, including housekeeping service every day and we have been told, "if there is anything you need or want just let us know".  Hmmmm.

     The 'tininthewind' is parked and set up at a little campground that is part of the Vernon County Fairgrounds, only about 15 blocks from this little recovery house.  I will be able to go there whenever to get anything we need and check on our 'wheelestate'.

     We are to report to the hospital which is just across the street at 7:00 a.m.  I am guessing that the surgery will be about 9:00 and by early afternoon I should get a new blog out to let everyone know how the patient is doing.

     Following is a short slide show.  The large building is the hospital entrance and I was standing at the front door of the house we are in when I took it.  The rest are of the house.  I hope we don't loose each other in this place as there sure is more room than we need!


                                                     Slide Show 

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