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Birthday Party for Goldie and Emerald

The Big Cake















Goldie's '99th' Birthday















Emerald's '88th' Birthday















     Pictured above are two of the sweetest, classiest ladies you could ever hope to know.  Kathleen, my mom Betty, and I spent part of Sunday helping to celebrate with other family members their two Birthdays.

     Goldie (pictured 1st) was celebrating her 99th.

     Emerald (pictured 2nd) was celebrating her 88th.

     The maiden family last name for these two great ladies was Sires.  There were 9 children born to Roy and Lena Sires of which Goldie and Emerald were 2nd oldest and 6th oldest.  Seven of the nine children were named after gems.  There was Goldie and Emerald, Beryl (Betsy), Opal, Sylvia, Pearl, and Sardius.  There were two others, Jimmy and Roy Thomas. Of the nine, pictured below are the four surviving children of Roy and Lena, Goldie, Emerald, Beryl (Betsy), and Roy Tom.



Emerald, Betsy, Goldie, and Roy Tom















     It is rare to be able to celebrate a 99th birthday, but couple that with also being able to celebrate an 88th and you have the makings of a great day.  There is a lot of love for these two classy ladies and that in part is due to all the love they have given to all who were in attendance.

    I reflect on a conversation between Goldie and her niece June at the celebration when Goldie said, "quit telling everyone my age".  The classy Lady that she is, if asked directly, "how old are you", would reply with a number something way south of 99.

     I include two pictures here of Goldie from my collection and these were taken at age 98.  I will let them speak for themselves.



Goldie May 2009















Goldie ready to go















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